Monday, October 22, 2012

Too Many Apples?

Jim and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this past Wednesday. Since I had a spinning guild meeting on Saturday (always fun) we didn't do anything special until yesterday.

We went apple picking. At least we thought we were going to pick them but when we got to the orchard (one we hadn't been to before) all the apples were pre-picked. There were several different varities, each in it's own giant bin. We chose 3 different kinds that you wouldn't normally find at the grocery store. We filled one big bag for each kind. It didn't really look like that many. But each bag holds a peck. And we got three of them. That's 3/4 of a bushel. It didn't look like a lot at the orchard but it takes up a bit of space in my kitchen. I'll be spending this comming week and week-end cooking and canning.

Everybody wants apple butter for Christmas - right?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Very Good Weekend

Overslept Saturday but still had a pretty decent training "run" with the Tuckahoe Y. Saturday night Melanie hosted a knitterly get together and it was good to catch up with some folks I hadn't seen in ages. I spent today doing laundry and spinning. Jim made dinner - a wonderful Italian beef stew that would make any chef jealous. Can't wait for the leftovers.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Budget Fashionista

The company holiday party is this weekend. Jim needed new suit. He hasn't had a new one in maybe 20 years. I went with him (he doesn't like to shop alone) and we ended up with 2 jackets and a pair of very nice dress pants instead of a suit. I took one jacket and the pants to the taylor's on Tuesday and picked them up tonight (George's Alterations does a very nice job!). We got a good deal and Jim will look wonderful but men's dress clothes are just way too expensive. Luckily he's worth it. My new (not so) little black dress, on an after holiday sale of 80% off much more reasonable priced. But I can't wear mine for a job interview...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh No!!

Major bummer. I was looking forward to tea at the Jefferson on Sunday with the the girls but there were no openings. And the only other place that does afternoon tea doesn't serve it on Sunday. Richmond is too big a place to have such a limited choise for tea service. If I didn't have a party to go to Saturday night I'd do it myself but I can't do it this weekend. Ratz.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun and Fiber

I had a really good weekend.

Saturday was the River City Knitters Guild meeting. The program was on how to make polymer clay buttons. Another new hobby. It was fun and Sue and I went and bought supplies and a book so we can make more - buttons and artsy stuff. Sue also bought me lunch and gave me a couple of posters - Ella and Frank. I framed them so I could put them up in my office but now I want to put them up at home!

Sunday I went to the Clothos meeting - it was the second day of a two day retreat. I always enjoy these meetings - they leave me feeling so optimistic. I really look forward to both of my guild meetings

Today it was back to the same old same old at work. Jim did fix me shrimp for dinner tonight! He had the day off for MLK day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me.

I've had a pretty good birthday today. I started out by getting up super early and doing 2 miles on the treadmill. Working out before work was a lot easier when I didn't have to be at the office at 7am!! My sweet Duckaroo took me to lunch and bought me a chocolate malted. Tonight I fixed my own lame birthday dinner (pigs in a blanket), but Jim is fixing dinner Saturday night!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm Employed!?!

After many months, I finally have a job. It all happened very quickly and just in time. It was the last week I was eligible for unemployment when I got the job offer. It all happened so quickly. I hadn't gotten any interviews and all of a sudden the last week of May I had a phone interview, 1st interview, and while in NJ for Memorial Day got the call for a second interview. I got the job offer on Wednesday and started on Friday (June 3rd). I had forgotten how good it is to work and also how draining. That might be because I have to be at work at 7am. I am not a morning person. I've also started right off working overtime.

I'm thinking seriously about entering both the State Fair and the Fall Fiber Festival with some of my hand spun. This is the only year I can qualify as a beginner and might actually have a chance. The alpaca I'm working on right now is spinning up very nicely. If I can ply it half way decently, that will be my entry.

I also want to seriously learn to drop spindle. Jim is going to be away the week of July 4th (I can't go because I don't have any time off in the new job) so I think I'm going to spend that week in intense study/practice.